
Monday 18 August 2014

Exciting times for me, usually means great reviews/stories for you!

Exciting news for myself and my fans! Please read this completely. You may have seen me mention giving away the StormP3 speaker from ToiletTree Products, well it has also been confirmed that I will be able to give a Thermacell package away as well! A lucky winner will get the same package I am reviewing as seen in the picture. I also received a product that I am equally excited about, the Pulse speakers arrived from Sengled!!! It has been spoken of on both sides about a giveaway but the details are not completely confirmed yet.

Here's where I ask you a favor, I'd love it if you tell your friends and family about me and ask them to follow me so they too can read my posts as well as be able to enter into the contests via Facebook, Instagram, Google+. I have included my links in this post to make it easy for them to go directly to any one. I would really like the chance to meet them and expand my audience. There you have it and you should start seeing reviews for these items come up within the days to come as well as the giveaways! Thank you so much for your support in reading and dropping questions here and there, it's greatly appreciated!


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